How twenty years changed type on the web

Last week I gave a talk as part of a Stationers’ Company virtual event on branding and typography. After giving it some thought I decided to discuss the most exciting area of typographic design today – in my view – type on the web.

As I was working on the talk, I realised it would make a really great blog post, so have rewritten it here.

The central thrust of what I wanted to get across is that my career has been defined by an evolution of graphic design on the internet. This is less to do with my work over the past 20 years, more that the web has been a constant background presence. Everything about how it looks and acts has changed so much, sometimes slow, sometimes rather more quickly. But rather than being a potted history of type on the web, the story I wanted to tell is a more personal one, of technological change in parallel with my working life.

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